What is The Bio mass Briquetting Plant?
It’s a project to convert agro forestry waste to Bio coal . Shortly project for Best from waste. In brief we can describe, it is a machinery which is capable of binding any agro-forestry waste in to finished Briquettes / Bio-coal / White coal. |
Where Bio-mass Briquetting project is viable?
The project is viable where Agro-forestry Waste / Biomass is available with in the surrounding area and can be available in abundant quantity with cheaper rate. Thus project should be economically viable. |
Which type of agro forestry waste can be used as a raw material?
Any type of Agro-forestry Waste / Bio-mass can be converted in to Finished Briquettes. i.e. Saw Dust, Ground-nut Shell , Custer Shell , Sugar-cane Baggas, Cotton Stalk , Bamboo Dust , Wheat Husk , Sarsav Husk etc…. |
Does Agro-forestry waste can be used directly in the Briquetting Plant?
Well to agro-forestry waste should having below 10%moisture content and should also be having less than 20mm. If it should contain more than 10% moisture then drying is required and respectively cutting should require. |
Is the plant will be continue process?
Yes, it can run continuously round the clock. |
What yield we can get at the end of the Briquetting Process?
On dry basis to convert biomass into briquettes is 100%, as the process only involves densification. |
What are the specifications of applicable Raw Material?
- Size : Up to 20mm, if bigger then cutting is required.
- Moisture : Below 10%, if higher then drying is required.
What is the Production capacity of JUMBO-90 Briquetting Plant?
Jumbo-90 production capacity is 1500 Kg / Hr. It may varies +- 15%, which depends on the bulk density of the Raw Material. |
Why Jumbo-90 is superior then other model?
High Production Capacity, Law Production Cost, Doesn’t required Powder Making unit, Low Maintenance. |
Is there a real demand for Finished Briquettes / Bio coal in Industries?
It’s a demandable market in industrial sector rate approx Rs. 2500 Rs. to 3000/MT |
What is calorific value of Briquette?
The Calorific Value of the Finished Briquettes is Approx 4000 K.cal/Kg. The Calorific Value may varies depends on the different RM used. It can be replace any kind of Coal like Lignite, Fire wood, Steam Coal etc. |
What are the advantages of using Briquettes compared to other solid fuels?
- Briquettes are cheaper than coal.
- Oil, coal or lignite, once used, cannot be replaced.
- There is no sulfur in Briquettes, thus does not pollutes the environment.
- Biomass briquettes have a higher practical thermal value
- Briquettes have much lower ash content (2-10% as compared to 20-40% in coal).
- Combustion is more uniform compared to coal
- Briquettes are usually produced near the consumption centers and supplies do not depend on erratic transport from long distances.
- Briquettes give much higher boiler efficiency because of low moisture and higher density.
- Briquettes, are easy to store, pack and hygienic to handle.
Is Indian Government supporting the Project?
Yes, Free Income Tax benefits up to 5 years. No any excise Duty on the Plant due to the Renewable Energy Project. |
What is the Man power requires operating the Briquetting Plant?
One skill operator and five un-skill workers per shift can be easily run the plant |
What is the land requirement of setting up the Briquetting Plant?
The suitable land requirement for setting up Briquetting plant requires machine room size as 20 Ft. x 30 Ft. with 12 Ft. height and for raw material procurement it requires 1 acre land. |
Is there any pollution possibility during process?
No, It’s totally pollution free project. |
Is there any binder or Chemical added for Briquetting process ?
No. It’s a complete binder less technology |
Why it is known as Binder Less Technology?
As lignin present in the raw material gets converted into liquid form and acts as a natural Binder. Thus it does not require any external binder. Therefore it is known as Binder Less Technology. |
Finished product can be stored long life?
Yes, only avoid contact with water & Fire. |
What is the shape of finished Briquettes?
The Shape of the finished Briquettes is cylindrical shape with 90 mm diameter and length is approx. 1 ft. |
What is the cost for converting raw material into Briquettes?
The converting cost is approx. Rs. 400/MT in India. It’s including Power, Labor, Wear and Tear Parts and other Misc. expense. |
Where we can see the demonstration of Running Plant?
For demonstration, Kindly visit our Regd. Office at Radhe Engineering, GIDC Metoda, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. |
Is it possible to use mixture of different raw materials having applicable moisture contents?
Yes we can use mixture of different raw material with applicable moisture contents. |
Is it possible to mix products having different moistures in different proportion?, So as to obtain the minimum moisture content going into the plant? Ex. RM-1 has 20% Moisture & RM-2 has 2% Moisture Content?
Yes, it is possible, but the mixture of both the RM should be maintain properly, as average Moisture content must be maintain >10%. |
What are the advantages of setting up Briquetting Plant Project?
- Briquettes are cheaper than coal.
- Oil, coal or lignite, once used, cannot be replaced.
- High sulfur content of oil and coal, when burnt, pollutes the environment.
- There is no sulfur in Briquettes.
- Biomass briquettes have a higher practical thermal value and much lower ash content (2-10% as compared to 20-40% in coal).
- There is no fly ash when burning briquettes.
- Briquettes have consistent quality, have high burning efficiency, and are ideally sized for complete combustion.
- Combustion is more uniform compared to coal and boiler response to changes in steam requirements is faster due to higher quantity of volatile matter in briquettes.
- Briquettes are usually produced near the consumption centers and supplies do not depend on erratic transport from long distances.
- Compared to fire wood or loose biomass, briquettes give much higher boiler efficiency because of low moisture and higher density.
- Briquettes, are easy to store, pack and hygienic to handle.
What is the Bulk density of the final Briquettes?
Briquettes have high specific density (1200 Kg/m3) and bulk density (800 Kg/m3) compared to 60 to 180 Kg/m3 of loose biomass. |
What is the main use of Briquettes?
Briquettes are widely used for any Thermal application where coal can be utilize i.e. steam generation in boilers, heating purpose etc.
Briquettes can replace following conventional fuels that are used in mass quantities:
- Diesel
- Kerosene
- Furnace Oil
- Lignite
- Coal
- Firewood
In which industries mainly Briquettes are used?
Following industries can make maximum use of briquettes
- Ceramic and Refractory Industry
- Solvent Extraction Plant
- Chemical Units
- Dyeing Plants
- Milk Plants
- Food Processing Industries
- Vegetable Plants
- Spinning Mill
- Lamination Industries
- Leather Industries
- Brick Making Units
- Other Industries having Thermal Applications
- Gasifier system in Thermal
- Textile Units
What is the ash content remain in Briquetting Plant?
Very low ash content as low as 2 to 5% compared to 20% to 40% in coal. |
Which type of technology is used in Briquetting Plant?
We use Binder less Technology with Mechanical type plant with Ram and die, as it has its own advantages like:
- Lower capital cost due to indigenous parts.
- Commercially viable due to higher production & lower converting cost.
- World wide accepted technology.
- It is easy to operate & maintain.
How many different types of Briquetting plants are available?
There are 2 types of Briquetting Plant are available depending on the production capacity, i.e.
Super 60 : 600 – 750kg/hr*
Jumbo-90 : 1500kg/hr* |
Does your Briquetting Plant require powdery raw material?
Our Briquetting Plant – Jumbo 90 does not require any powder making units, raw materials residues size up to 1 - 20 mm size can be directly feed. |
What are the key features of the Briquetting Plant Project?
- High Profitability
- Excellent Growth Potentiality
- Ready Market
- Wide Variety and easy availability of agro-waste from various crops
- Short gestation and quick returns
- Employment Potentiality
- Conversion of natural resources into Hi-tech energy & maintenance of ecological balance.
How much consumption of electric power does Briquetting plant requires?
Briquetting Plant requires connected load of 90HP but consumption load is of 75HP. |
How many electric motors will be fixed in Briquetting Plant – Jumbo 90?
There are 4 electric motors will be fixed in Briquetting Plant – Jumbo 90.
- Main electric motor 75HP
- Feeding Kupy motor 7.5HP
- Conveyor Electric motor 5HP
- Lubrication Electric Motor 3HP
What is the average power consumption in Briquetting Plant – Jumbo 90?
Average power consumption are around 40 to 45 units / MT at continuous running of Briquetting plant - Jumbo 90. |
Does it have any continuous maintenance of any parts of the Briquetting plant?
How much time will it require to change the maintenance parts?
It requires approx. 30 to 35 minutes to change the maintenance parts of the plant and your operator can easily change the maintenance parts once it is trained. |
Does Radhe train our operators for operating the Plant?
Yes trained and experienced operators of Radhe will train your operator unless your operator will get trained completely about running a plant successfully. |
Does Radhe provide after sales support and what about the charges for it?
Radhe have engaged a huge team of professionals for providing timely and accurate after sales support to our clientele. We always visit all our clients at least twice a year to solve their problems (if any) and also to educate them with updated technologies. |